Aviation Safety Management Systems (SMS) Training Options

SMS Pro Training Office in Anchorage, Alaska

We are constantly asked about aviation SMS training

We don't provide all types. To help you decide whether you are on the right page, let's discuss aviation SMS training options.

There are several types of aviation safety management systems (SMS) training, including:

  • SMS Theory;
  • SMS Implementation Guidance and Principles;
  • SMS Training for Civil Aviation Authorities;
  • Auditing Aviation SMS Programs; and
  • Using SMS Database Tools and Applications, such as SMS Pro.

First we'll focus on SMS Pro's database software training.

Training SMS Pro in Anchorage, Alaska

SMS Pro Training Types

We provide multiple options for SMS Pro's database training:

  • At your site (customized training);
  • Centralized location with multiple companies attending, such as Calgary, Montreal, Miami;
  • Week-long training courses in Anchorage, Alaska (Basic and Advanced);
  • 2-4 hour blocks of topic specific training via the Web (auditing, proactive hazard analysis tools, risk management, etc.); or
  • Online video training

Online SMS Video Training Library

If you are an SMS Pro user, you are familiar with the integrated SMS video training library accessible by all users. There is also "side-by-side" written documentation for those preferring to either read training materials or those unable to access training videos due to network security restrictions.

On-site SMS Training Courses

To request training, please fill out this SMS training request form. Please advise whether you are interested in an SMS trainer coming to:

  • Your company's location; or a
  • Centralized location where multiple SMS Pro companies may attend.

When we send an SMS trainer to a centralized location, you are able to share SMS training expenses with a larger group.

Week-long SMS Pro Training Courses in Anchorage, Alaska

Summer time is a magical time to visit Alaska. From May to August, we have lots of daylight and a lot more salmon running in the streams.

If you have been using SMS Pro for less than one year, we recommend that you take the SMS Pro Basic Administration Course. The advanced course is not for the weak-willed. This is really advanced and you must be a power-user. Not only will your SMS skills be challenged, but most of all, your computer skills. To learn more about these courses, see


Custom SMS Pro Training Sessions

Upon request, we can provide short SMS Pro training sessions (three hours or less per session) via interactive Web sessions. You tell us which subjects you wish to cover before we schedule the training by filling out this SMS training request form. For example, you may need a personalized session discussing:

  • Auditing (most common);
  • Proactive Hazard Analysis Tool (very common); or
  • Issue Manager's risk management process.

You might also consider our 2 day Certified Risk Management Training Course:


Aviation SMS Training Courses by Third Parties

Aviation SMS training for airlines is not much different than SMS training for aviation maintenance organizations. The important point to remember is that the SMS rules and regulations are applicable to all aviation service providers. Furthermore, SMS training must include all four ICAO components.

One important value point is that taking an aviation SMS training course with a similar group of operators is beneficial for:

  • Sharing similar experiences;
  • Learning pain points from operators within your industry segment; and
  • Gaining valuable network connections for future interactions.

Aviation SMS Training Providers

Aviation SMS training companies are NOT all the same. Some are good, while others take your money and share stories. Fortunately, the level of training is becoming better as SMS training providers are realizing that you cannot get rich offering SMS training courses to aviation service providers.

Each year, we verify a list of aviation SMS training providers who are still in business. This saves you time and energy when you are looking for SMS training.

Link to regularly updated aviation SMS training providers.

If your company provides SMS training, we will share your training dates in our monthly newsletter.