List of Key Performance Indicators for Airports/Aerodromes
- Fatality
- Reportable Dangerous Occurrence
- Reportable Occupational Illness / Disease
- Reportable Serious Injury
- Near Miss
- First Aid Injury
- Equipment Property Damage
- Lost Time Injury
- Medical Treatment Case
- Restricted Workday Case
- Number of Reported Issues
- Bird Strike
- Operational Delay
- Cancelled Operation
- Customer complaints
- Percentage of Flights Delayed > 15 minutes
- Average Minutes Delay
- Percentage of Flights Delayed Due to Technical / Commercial reasons
Flights Ops
- Number of Flights
- Number of PAX
- Average Turnaround Time
- Number Lost Baggage Incidents
- Spills / Releases / Discharges to Land
- Spills / Releases / Discharges to Water, including Groundwater
- Releases / Discharges to Atmosphere
- Vegetation Removal / Harm
- Harm to Animal Species
- Damage to Cultural Site
- Environmental Noise / Vibration
- Other
- Operating Margin
- Revenues
- Expenses
- Revenue Per Available Seat