Continuous Improvement of Aviation SMS
Continuous improvement is measured through monitoring an organization’s safety performance indicators. Progress is related to the maturity and effectiveness of an SMS. Safety assurance processes support improvements to the SMS through continual verification and follow-up actions. These objectives are achieved through the application of internal evaluations and independent audits of the SMS.
Compliance of this requirement is indicated when:
- The Safety Committee has the necessary authority to make
decisions related to the improvement and effectiveness of the
SMS; and
The SMS is periodically reviewed for improvements in safety
This element is satisfied when the organization routinely monitors the SMS performance to identify potential areas of improvement and the outcomes of
this process lead to improvements to the safety management system.
SMS Pro modules used to support this requirement
Best Practices
- There is evidence of lessons learned being incorporated into the
policy and procedures;
- The organization benchmarks its SMS against other organizations and is an active promoter of SMS within the
aviation industry;
- Best practice is sought and embraced;
Surveys and assessments of organizational culture are carried
out regularly and acted upon;
- For safety related services the organization requires
contracted organizations not required by regulations to have
an SMS; and
- Contracted organizations have the ability to participate and
share information in the SMS.