What Is Management of Change in Aviation SMS?
Airlines and airports are required to develop and maintain a formal process to identify changes within the organization and its operation, which may affect established
processes and services, to describe the arrangements to ensure safety performance before implementing changes, and to eliminate or modify safety risk
controls that are no longer needed to effective due to changes in the operational environment.
Airlines and airports need to establish processes and perform formal hazard analyses and risk assessments for major
operational changes, major organizational changes and
changes in key personnel;
- Safety Case/Risk assessments are aviation safety focused;
- Key stakeholders are involved in the change management
process; and
During the change management process previous risk
assessments and existing hazards are reviewed for possible
This element is satisfied when the organization uses the safety risk management system to proactively assess all major changes to the organization
and its operations.
SMS Software Tools for Management of Change
SMS Pro modules used to support this requirement
Best Practices for Management of Change
- Validation of the safety performance after organizational and
operational changes have taken place to assure assumptions
remain valid and the change was effective;
- All organizational and operational changes are subject to the
change management process; and
Safety accountabilities, authorities and responsibilities are
reviewed as part of the change.