Checklist Manager - Aviation SMS Software Modules for Airlines & Airports

Aviation SMS Software for Airlines, Airports, Maintenance, Flight Schools, Drones UAS

Safety Assurance Modules

Aviation Safety Management Software for Airlines, Airports, Maintenance, Flight Schools, Drones UAS

Security Officer Checklist

Routine tasks should be a major source of focus for all aviation service providers. This is especially true for airports, as airport SMS programs needs many countless, routine quality tasks and routine safety tasks in order to maintain quality operations.

Why are routine tasks a source of concern? Because routine tasks are the root cause of the Human Factor Apathy and complacency. The fact is that when company personnel perform the same tasks over and over, they become “numb” and “blind” to hazards and risks. As the time period of safe operations increases in each routine task, the sense of danger decreases. This situation, of the feeling of increased safety in an environment which remains equally hazardous, is the hallmark of:

  • Safety drift;
  • A hazardous condition;
  • Safety management “slippage”; and
  • Continuation bias.
Assign Checklists

Having a security officer checklist manager is the best way to ensure consistent accountability. This security officer checklist manager allows routine tasks to be:

  • Scheduled on a recurring basis;
  • Listed in checklist format;
  • Documented on the web (no paper required) to ensure that each task-item was observed; and
  • Reported as safety concerns if needed.

The checklist format of the security officer checklist is especially important because makes it difficult to not follow the checklist without lying (i.e., checking a box without actually performing the task). Also important is the web based format, as the module provides easy access by both security officers and management.

Furthermore, it automates all of the data organization that would otherwise be required in manual checklists.

Security Officer Checklist Is a QMS Module

Security officer checklists have wide ranging applicability, from security to quality management. It’s the kind of module that bridges the gap between safety management systems and quality management systems by:

  • Including routine safety tasks in the checklist manager;
  • Including routine quality tasks in the checklist manager; and
  • Integrating subtasks (i.e., individual checklist items) that fulfill a quality and safety role in one action.
Active Checklist

Literally any routine task can be included as a checklist.

Using the Module

Creating and managing checklists is very easy:

  • First, create a title for the checklist;
  • Add a line item title and description for each checklist item needed;
  • Then schedule the checklist on single date or on a recurring basis; and
  • Assign the checklist to an SMS Pro user.
Review Checklist Progress

Once checklists have been assigned, the user will receive notifications on impending checklists. After a checklist has been completed, areas of concern can be submitted as safety issues, and management can easily confirm that it is complete.

SMS Software for Airlines, Airports, Maintenance, Flight Schools, Drones UAS